Ep #17: Peak Anxiety with Clients, Transformed

Anxiety is a natural part of business and it is crucial for you to know how to cope with it and then use it to help yourself grow. This week, Casey shares his own story of facing anxiety when first starting as a Fractional CMO and how he used that experience to gain perspective and get stronger. You’ll hear about how to prepare before betting on yourself, what to do when you find yourself scraping against the bottom, and why you need to undergo your own path to reach success.

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Episode highlights:


Although you may feel like you are walking in circles around something you are anxious about, you can grow and gain “elevation” as you would on a spiral staircase to allow you to see the anxiety from a different perspective and see it for what it is.

Anxiety in business is an opportunity for you to solve something that obviously feels wrong.

You will have many anxieties that will never go away in your life, even after they have peaked they will still persist. However, by going through the peak of those anxieties, you become better equipped to handle them in the future.

When approaching the idea of becoming a Fractional CMO, you need to have a long time horizon and give yourself a runway.

When betting on yourself, it’s important to be very self-aware. Understand the risks and be prepared to face them and whatever else may come up.

Quote of the show:


”If you have the long time horizon and you provide yourself the runway to make things happen, it is inevitable that you’ll be successful

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