If you are always chasing the newest marketing techniques, you may find temporary success but in order to stay caught up on the bleeding edge tactics, you will have to constantly reinvent yourself.
Rather than constantly trying out the latest marketing fad, invest your time and effort into becoming great at those foundational principles of marketing that are slow to change.
There is a great value in mastering these principles. These will transcend your niche and even your industry and allow you to provide value to businesses for a long time.
The CMO’s role is not to be the person who does every little thing, rather it is to build an amazing marketing team. Each member of which is then able to specialize on the finer aspects of the solution.
”The solution as a CMO is rarely to roll up your sleeves and do it yourself, more often than not the solution as a CMO is to delegate it to someone else”
We are excited to announce the Fractional CMO Community Facebook Group. This aims to be a place where Fractional CMOs or marketers considering becoming a Fractional CMO can connect and share ideas.
Claim your copy of my book “The Fractional CMO Method” to learn step-by-step how I grew my Fractional CMO practice to $46,500 a month! It’s a #1 Wall Street Journal Best-Seller and if you don’t love it, I’ll refund every penny.
Success might be slipping through your grasp right in front of you without you knowing. Learn about readily available data that if used properly can lead to exponential growth.