Ep #24: Is Your Future Ever-Increasing?

You are at a crossroads and you need to make the conscious decision between the path to an incredible future or the path to just a standard future. Casey is here to help guide through the decision as you mull over what you really want for your future. You’ll learn about creating a future that’s bigger than your past, how to choose clients as a Fractional CMO, and what you need to do to have an ever increasing future.

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Episode highlights:


Consider whether your idea of your future is ever expanding or if your future is just continually chasing a high you no longer feel.

Do you look at new challenges as a great way to experience new things and grow or do you think of them as a way to measure up against your past self, desperately trying to be as successful as you once were?

Focusing on the things which you actually have control over, are you making your future bigger than your past?

An ever increasing future means that people are coming to you based on a level of notoriety or prestige that you have built. People look to you as a leader and you have made efforts to set yourself up as a leader.

In an ever increasing future, you position yourself to showcase your strengths and you hire someone to take care of your weaknesses.

As a Fractional CMO, there are ways that you can harm your future, such as choosing clients from wildly different industries that you have no experience in or trying to constantly reinvent yourself.

You need to make the decision that you want to have an ever expanding future and stick by this goal everyday. You need to judge the opportunities you receive by whether or not they help you get closer to that future and when they don’t you have to say no.

Quote of the show:


When you decide that you want an ever expanding future, you must say no to opportunities that limit the expanse of your future”

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