Ep #31: Anyone Can Be A Millionaire, Divorced, and Unhealthy

It’s really not that hard to become a millionaire, but if that’s your only goal, you’re going to have to give up a lot to get there. This week, Casey is sharing a better way that will allow you to cultivate every part of your life while also creating value and being paid for it. Discover how you can create value as a Fractional CMO, how diving into a niche can increase your effectiveness, and why creating a great team will help you reach your goals with a smile on your face.

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Episode highlights:


Consider how you can create value in the world. Become a builder who builds value. You can create value as a Fractional CMO and you can also create value as a business owner, but the business owner has to risk a lot more.

To get paid for your value creation, you can get rid of any middlemen that stand between you and the client or problem. By removing that party, you receive the whole value that you create.

You need to get deep into a niche to get paid for your value creation. Your ability to create outsized benefits in a niche increases the longer you spend in that niche. Your success in that niche will also aid in making a name for yourself.

Take pride in all of your work, regardless of what it is for. Remember that what you do in anything, you do in everything. You can put systems in place that will help you grow in all aspects of your life.

You need to set boundaries for areas of your life. As a Fractional CMO, you need to set boundaries with your clients, such as when they can contact you and expect a response. Setting boundaries allows you to have time for your family, hobbies, etc. as well as work.

Figure out what gives you energy as a Fractional CMO and then commit yourself to be there as much as possible for the rest of your life. Let yourself do what you know you can be phenomenally effective at and let others do what you dislike or aren’t good at.

When you create a team that you enjoy working with, that has your back, and that can accomplish amazing things, the byproducts for you will be financial success and happiness.

Quote of the show:


When you have systems and processes and you’re not overloaded, you can be more predictable, drive more value, build a name for yourself, create more value, capture more value, become more financially successful”

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