To avoid prospecting feeling like a chore that you know you have to do, block out time on your calendar. Create times that are specifically just for prospecting.
Beyond simply scheduling the time to prospect in your calendar, you need to approach it strategically and, more importantly, you need to actually do the work during that timeframe.
You need to honor your own time with the same reverence you have for other people’s time. When you start engaging with a project and someone else has their own problem, it can be hard to avoid dropping everything to plunge into helping them.
Right now, create a recurring time in your calendar for two hours, twice a week to prioritize prospecting.
Your calendar reflects your priorities in life and if you are not scheduling in time expressly so you can prospect, prospecting is not a priority to you.
Be mindful of your “self-commitment muscle” and remind yourself to show up and honor the times on your calendar.
”If you’re not blocking your calendar, it’s not a priority to you”
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