Ep #39: How can the Entrepreneurial Operating System work with a Fractional CMO?

Many companies are implementing operating systems but what does that mean for you as a Fractional CMO?

In this episode, Casey talks about which business operating systems are best for Fractional CMOs to work with. You’ll hear about many different kinds of operating systems that businesses use, what they do for businesses that use them, and why those businesses make such great clients for Fractional CMOs.

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Episode highlights:


Businesses either run on an operating system or they don’t. The leading operating systems for businesses are the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) based on the book Traction. Operating systems provide structure for businesses to function.

Other common business operating systems include Ryan Deiss’s ScalableOS, Scaling Up, and Objectives and Key Results (OKRs).

Operating systems outline the cadence for meetings, topics of discussion, the attendees for certain meetings, how reporting is done, how data is shown, and their strategic planning.

When starting EOS, it’s great to hire a certified EOS Implementor so that everyone can be on the same page every single quarter. They have a great quarterly process that brings together all of the leaders in the business.

ScalableOS is very marketing-centric and works better in cases where the company is focused on e-commerce. However, Scaling up and OKRs are largely applicable to most businesses.

Companies using an operating system are great targets for Fractional CMOs if they fit the rest of your criteria. This is a sign the company has focus which results in predictable success.

When you step into a business that’s using an operating system, you’ll be able to get so much more done because everyone is already focused on the outcome.

Quote of the show:


These different operating systems that a company can run, first of all, are a great sign for you as a Fractional CMO”

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