Ep #76: The Fractional CMO Virtue

Success as a Fractional CMO is rooted in having a healthy and balanced mindset throughout the ups and downs of life and business. Casey Stanton is the Founder of CMOx, a Fractional CMO, and author of the Wall Street Journal #1 bestseller, The Fractional CMO Method. This week, Casey discusses how to cultivate a balanced and mindful approach in your Fractional CMO practice, why you celebrate your success in moderation, and the importance of practicing empathetic joy.

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Episode highlights:


Embrace the Buddhist concept of equanimity – maintaining emotional balance in the face of highs and lows. This mindset can help you navigate the uncertainties of the marketing world.

Cultivate a sense of calm and levelheadedness during both successful and challenging times. This will enable you to make more rational decisions and manage stress effectively.

Prepare for the highs and lows inherent in business. Recognize that being a Fractional CMO for multiple clients comes with highs and lows. Prepare yourself mentally and emotionally to handle both success and setbacks.

Shift your focus from outcome-based success to the intention and effort you put into your work. This can help you stay motivated and resilient regardless of the immediate results.

Celebrate your wins, both small and large, but don’t rest on your laurels. Celebrating your efforts will boost your confidence and motivation to continue pushing forward.

Embrace the learning process by remaining open to feedback and refining your strategies. This willingness to adapt and learn will set you apart as a dynamic marketing leader.

Practice empathetic joy by genuinely celebrating the successes of your team members and colleagues. This fosters a positive environment and strengthens team relationships.

Aim to find a balance between your professional and personal life. Prioritize self-care, family time, and hobbies, which will enhance your overall well-being and effectiveness as a leader.

Quote of the show:


“Keep going and don’t think that you will arrive. You’re never going to be there. The moment doesn’t last for long.”

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We are excited to announce the Fractional CMO Community Facebook Group. This aims to be a place where Fractional CMOs or marketers considering becoming a Fractional CMO can connect and share ideas.

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