Ep #78: Track Everything

What is the number one campaign to run when joining a new client as a Fractional CMO? Track EVERYTHING. Casey Stanton is the Founder of CMOx, a Fractional CMO, and author of the Wall Street Journal #1 bestseller, The Fractional CMO Method. This week, Casey breaks down why you need to track every aspect of your marketing efforts, from traffic sources to conversions, and how to do it.

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Episode highlights:


Use UTMs: Utilize UTM (Urchine Tracking Metric) parameters to track the sources, mediums, and campaigns that drive traffic to your website.

Consider using vanity URLs to easily redirect and track the effectiveness of specific campaigns or traffic sources. For example, fractionalcmoshow.com redirects to cmox.co/podcast.

Implement a data warehouse to centralize and organize all collected data for better reporting and analysis.

Attribute customer actions to specific marketing efforts to understand which channels are most effective. Don’t rely on customers to tell you where they came from, use UTMs to know where they came from.

Continuously monitor and review your tracking efforts to identify gaps and areas for improvement. While UTMs and site traffic don’t need to be checked weekly, you should definitely be checking it at least every quarter.

As a CMO, it’s up to you to ensure that tracking and data collection are prioritized throughout the organization. Educate your team and clients about the importance of tracking, and make it a fundamental part of your marketing strategy.

Tracking provides reliable data that will reveal valuable insights in the long term, helping to make informed decisions about marketing strategies.

Quote of the show:


“Track literally everything you can.”

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