Ep #80: Be A Marketing Leader

Casey Stanton is the Founder of CMOx, a Fractional CMO, and author of the Wall Street Journal #1 bestseller, The Fractional CMO Method. This week, Casey shares what he learned while at Copy Chief Live about the value that Fractional Chief Marketing Officers provide to their clients. Casey also dives into why your fractional clients need to be the leader of their marketing team rather than just another person who can complete small marketing tasks.

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Episode highlights:


Great copywriters understand the buyer’s pain points and they can craft copy that highlights those pain points in such an emotionally impactful way that the buyer then wants to buy that solution to their pain points.

Two things that aren’t required for great copy are an amazing funnel and every copywriting trick in the book. Great copy should be able to stand on its own. For example, it could be part of a direct mailer, a long-form webpage, or a YouTube video.

Fractional clients that are personally involved in delivering value for their customer needs their Factional CMO to come into their organization and be the leader of the marketing team. They need to lead the rest of the business, they don’t have time to lead the marketing team.

While you might be able to do X marketing task, it’s likely a better use of time to have someone on your team address X task, so you can give the rest of the marketing team their assignments so you can solve bigger problems.

For example, a military general should spend most of their time at the frontline of the battle with a rifle in their hand, their job is to devise the best plan to accomplish their goal. Likewise, a marketing leader’s primary responsibility is making smart decisions, and they should avoid getting involved in every detail of marketing.

Once you stop being the do-er of every marketing task and become the marketing leader that your fractional client needs you to be, you will become more valuable to them which will result in higher paychecks for you.

Quote of the show:


“Copywriters matched with a good product team can make beautiful things happen.”

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