Ep #81: Your Job Is To Think Big, Here's How

Casey Stanton is the Founder of CMOx, a Fractional CMO, and author of the Wall Street Journal #1 bestseller, The Fractional CMO Method. This week, Casey shares how you can start solving bigger problems by thinking bigger and eliminating the smaller things that keep you from thinking big.

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Episode highlights:


Thinking about your future requires you to break out of the mindset of linear growth. Strive to envision your future in more significant terms. Where do you want to be 25 years from now?

Identify and solve big problems. Focusing on solving significant problems can lead to substantial progress. This includes not just identifying these issues but also determining the best ways to solve them.

Find solutions for smaller problems that will either take care of them once and for all or can be outsourced so you keep your time and energy focused on solving bigger problems both in your life and as a Fractional CMO.

To free up time for strategic thinking, delegate operational and routine tasks. It’s essential to delegate tasks and not just responsibility, enabling you to focus on more high-impact work.

By simplifying the ways that team members report to you, you can be more effective. Simplified reporting structures can also reduce the burden on leaders.

A crucial role for Fractional CMOs is to predict the future using data. This involves staying ahead of trends, technology, and market shifts and being proactive in responding to them.

Continuously monitor your market and industry. Be aware of changes and developments in your niche to stay ahead of competitors and adapt your marketing strategies.

Quote of the show:


“Solving the problem isn’t becoming an expert in every single piece of marketing technology; Solving the problem is identifying the problem and figuring out who can solve it.”

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