Ep #9: A Cautionary Tale on Expectation Setting

So often, people oversell what the outcome of their work will be or don’t base goals on historical data. Casey Stanton has been there and he’s trying to help anyone else from going there and losing the trust of their coworkers because they couldn’t produce up to those faulty expectations. You’ll understand the dangers of overselling, how to set better goals and what to do if you start to see that you won’t be able to reach your goals.

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Episode highlights:


Don’t overset any kind of quarterly outcomes, be very realistic and pragmatic with setting your goals.

Meet with everyone involved throughout the course of the project and make sure that everyone is on track with everything they need to do in order to hit the goal. If you see that you are not on track to achieve the goal, let everyone know and get them all involved in resolving the problem so that you can reach that outcome.

If you are faced with a situation and there is no historical data to base your decision on, do not make a “wild ass guess.” This is a super quick way to lose all credibility and trust.

When you are planning out your goals, you have to really think about the worst-case scenario and extrapolate out what that means for the business.

Even if you make great improvements and progress, if you don’t accomplish the goal you laid out, those around you will disregard your work because it didn’t meet the expectation.

Quote of the show:


”Don’t pick a number because it’s round, pick a number because it’s incrementally larger

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